Fallout 4 stimpak code
Fallout 4 stimpak code

fallout 4 stimpak code

Stimpaks and RadAway restore all lost health and radiation, and work much more quickly. Stimpaks restore 80% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 80% of radiation Stimpaks restore 60% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 60% of radiation. Is there a doctor in the house? Stimpaks restore 40% of lost Health, and RadAway removes 40% of radiation. Here are the four ranks of Medic, what it does for your character along with level requirements and PerkIDs: Medic Perk The Medic Perk makes Stimpaks and RadAway much more potent, helping to recover your character's health and restore their maximum life after having taken a lot of Radiation damage. Comment on the appropriate page if you have a tip to share with other readers.įallout 4: Medic Perk Boosting Healing with Stimpaks and RadAway The Medic Perk improves Stimpaks and RadAway up to the point they can fully heal your character in half the time. There is much more to this DLC, it will just take time to write it all.

fallout 4 stimpak code

I've written over a dozen in just a week and plan to continue. See a full list of guides on the Nuka World page.

  • Faction Perks and New SPECIAL Ranks in Nuka World.
  • New - Nuka World Endings Guide - Options and Benefits.
  • For New Players - Read the walkthrough.
  • New - Scav Magazine - All locations and details.
  • New - A guide to making a Pistol/Gunslinger Build.
  • I'm writing a Guide to Nuka World, piece by piece.

    Fallout 4 stimpak code